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Untangled and with aspirations

The Loop
2 min readSep 16, 2020


We have classmates working on “floke” projects this year. Floke is a Norwegian word that has no direct English translation, but one of the definitions is a tangled knot. That is how this week has felt.

We are students, going to school to learn, we are now also team members in a project for a client, but we are also people with lives outside of these functions. This week we have been trying to untangle a lot of things in our present floke. Where to start, what to prioritise, lectures at school, project work and family matters. Pull too hard in one area, and it will restrict others, this is a complex and delicate matter. We have only experienced our own now, so we can only imagine how it would be to work with a societal floke. Kudos!

All too eager to dive straight into research mode, we had to take a little breather and let this week’s project manager step back to plan and catch up on some much-needed admin work. These are, after all, what we are here to learn, not only the intricate steps of innovative projects but also how to lead ourselves and fellow team members.

It’s with a feeling of accomplishment that we emerge from these days feeling slightly less tangled. We are armed with more structure and aspirations to dive deep into research and analysis to gather some prodigious insights into what we will be working on in the coming months.

We have embarked upon an exciting manifold and knowledgeable journey. Our goal is that it will shape not just ourselves and how we think but will affect many more.



The Loop

Student project team at Emergence School of Leadership