I never lose; I either win or learn — Nelson Mandela.

The Loop
Nov 15, 2020
Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Clarification of expectations is one of the most valuable things when working in a team or with a client. So what happens when everyone is basing everything on assumptions. Well, let's just say we will see donkeys.

We have had a week of learning that could never be given from a book.

There are things you can learn when working in a team, and there are things you can learn when working for a client. We have had a week of team learning multiplied by client learning.

As a team though, we really have come into our performing era, and we are able to take on a lot. We have really gotten to know each other and our strengths, and it makes it easier to take things in our stride. We have pulled things out of the bag to try and please both the client and the school, but at what cost.

The final angle of learning that we work with at Emergence School of Leadership is about ourselves. Learning about our limits, strengths and weaknesses and how to work with them.
Knowing when it is right to say no. Or for some of us, learn to say no.

“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment” Lao Tzu.

We need to learn not just to know ourselves but to listen to and trust ourselves. This has been easier in a group, a team we have been growing with already. Where we support and challenge each other and try to bring out the best of each other.



The Loop

Student project team at Emergence School of Leadership